Wednesday 16 September 2015

My Interview with Vivien Ella Walden

Welcome Vivien. Your amazing memoir "Eating From The Cherry Tree" is getting five star reviews so I would like to thank you very much indeed for agreeing to be interviewed by me.

(Gary) Can you describe your book in one sentence?

(Vivien) That would be impossible, two years of writing my life story to date? Not in my life time!
Reliving the truth proved harder than I had thought the flood of imagery was amazing.  From memories of childlike innocence to stripper, call girl, hooker and madam.  This is a memoir not only graphically explicit and sexually shocking, it is also surprisingly sweetly normal, as it entwines nostalgic memories of a life hard lived and well spent.
You could never put all that in once sentence.

(Gary) What is your favourite chapter?

(Vivien) Definitely Chapter 11. The Seduction Of The Steel Tips.
Sexual control tinged with the thrill of the unexpected.  Recalling Billy, who was to become my first husband. His expertise of experimenting sexually with me and the power of his control, the thought still gets my juices flowing.  It is a situation that most women would love to identify with.

(Gary) Do you have any advice to aspiring memoir writers?

(Vivien) Take a bottle of your favourite wine into a quiet room, relax and let your mind drift back in time, you will see how easy it becomes to get the picture of the past.

(Gary) What made you write your memoir?

(Vivien) Oh, it was definitely my forced retirement from my Gentlemen’s Club (Brothel). It gave me plenty of time to reflect on how my life had come to this stage. Plus the many requests from those that thought my life story needed to be read, and they only knew a fraction of it. Along with that was the need to make a contribution into the legalising of prostitution, something I believe in deeply and is so very necessary, especially in today’s climate. Finally was my thought that at the time E. L. James had a huge success with her novel Fifty Shades Of Grey, her story was fiction, mine was fact. Which is so much more intriguing!

(Gary) Who inspired your writing style?   

(Vivien) Truthfully, the answer is me, and only me.  I have to admit, more to my shame, I have never been an avid book reader.  But now through writing I have discovered a love of books in all genres. It’s never too late to discover and learn!

(Gary) What did your writing area look like?

(Vivien) Please don’t laugh, but imagine me as a novice writer, sat at my kitchen table with paper and pen, and an ancient notepad, scribbling away to my hearts content with two very attention seeking puppies lapping at my feet.  Add to that the telephone ringing ten to the dozen, so annoying!  Plus the odd friend or two popping in on a regular basis, unannounced.  How did I ever complete my book!

(Gary) When we see you on Twitter, most of the tweets are arousing, are you teasing future readers to buy your story?

(Vivien) Absolutely!  The writing naturally became erotic and encouraged me to go deeper and more explicit.  I was stimulating myself while stimulating my future readers, what fun!

(Gary) In the female domination chapters, your writing is often brutal, the men totally turned on with humiliation. What in your opinion is the reason for this?

(Vivien) In my experience as a working girl and then madam in the sex industry, without a doubt the reason goes back to their childhood.  A strict upbringing with a dominant parent, especially a mother, where spanking was inflicted, turned that pain into pleasure and those experiences were carried into their adult life until it was something that they couldn't live without. I had witnessed many a man taking a whipping from a girl while he begged her to go harder, harder. A clever girl knew never to draw blood. This type of ‘client’ always left to return again for more.

(Gary) Is there anything you would like to say to your readers?

(Vivien)  Thank you for reading me!  Thank you for your reviews, for reading about me on this blog. and last but not least, a big thanks to my Twitter followers.  Respect to you all!

(Gary) Good luck with your wonderful book Vivien, and once again many thanks for taking the time to do this interview. Much appreciated.

You can follow Vivien Ella Walden on Twitter HERE and buy here book at "Look 4 Books."

Monday 24 August 2015

Mrs. Beelbrow's Lions by Stacy Aumonier

Mrs. Beelbrow's Lions by Stacy Aumonier. A short story published in John O'London's Weekly in 1922. Scanned from my own collection of these wonderful old literary magazines.

Tuesday 21 April 2015

The Look 4 Books Medley of Short Stories

This year some of the wonderful authors featured at Look 4 Books have decided to put together a book of short stories, all the proceeds from this book will be going to the Alzheimer's Society, and the Autistic Society. This book will be available to buy from the Look 4 Books website, and Amazon from early May, 2015.

To find out more information about each of the authors who have kindly contributed their stories to this book just click on their name and you will be taken to their Blog, or individual Website. Thank you.

Sunday 29 March 2015

The Manly Man

The year was 1757 or thereabouts. I was dressed in a shabby waistcoat and britches, with very dirty boots. Standing in a muddy field I was digging like I loved mud, but what I was really doing was searching for a poor lost kitten that had sunk into the mud. As I was digging a fair maiden approached all white heaving bosoms and crinoline. She stared at me in wanton disgust. I said, "fair maiden do not approach any further as I am rough, coarse, and very manly...

The fair maiden ignored my warning and rushed headlong towards me, as she entered the deepest mud she fell bosom first into the sodden mire. I leapt from my kitten saving position and immediately began extracting the fair maiden from the filthy pit she had so elegantly dived into. The only way I could heave her from this sticky mess was by wrapping my manly arms through the mud and around her bosom and heaving with all my alpha male might. She then stood there in front of me covered in mud, and said, "you bastard manly man, you held my breasts in your peasant gnarled strong hands." She then slapped my face, and threw herself against my muscular manly frame and began kissing me. At that very moment I heard a tiny whimpering sound, it was the poor buried kitten crying for help. I tried to extract myself from the attentions of the fair maiden but she just held me even tighter. "Fuck the kitten" she exclaimed, "I NEED A ROGERING."

I was rather taken aback by the fair maidens rather outrageous behaviour, as like the cordless drill, female sexual emancipation hadn't been invented in 1757 or thereabouts. Eventually I had to use brute manly force to escape her wandering wanton hands. It was hard work heading for the spot in the mud where I could hear the sad cries of the desperate kitten, as the fair sexually emancipated maiden had somehow latched on to one of my boots. With a great amount of wriggling I was able to remove my foot from my dirty leather boot. I left the maiden spread-eagled in the mud clutching my manly boot between her crinoline encrusted thighs...

My Unicorn who could speak Olde Worlde English called across to me asking, "when are we going home for tea", that is in fact all my Unicorn could say, it appears he had learned to say this parrot fashion directly from a parrot. I knew I could not expect much help from my Unicorn as he hated mud and was quite camp, whereas my Dragon was very camp.

Whilst we are on the subject of vampires I feel I should come clean and state for the record that I am in fact a vampire. I'm not a fully fledged vampire as the only vampire blood I have comes from my mothers side of the family, my father was a zombie.

To be continued...

Tuesday 17 March 2015

Book Promotion Using Animation

Short animated Gifs designed by me to help promote the authors featured at Look 4 Books Please feel free to contact me if you are interested in this service. I will be adding more animations in here as and when I create them. If you click on any of the animations you will go directly to the authors selling page. Thanks.

Wednesday 3 December 2014

NHS Devon

Before you carrying on reading what I have written here I should acknowledge that I'm not a full set of bricks.

After reading today that NHS Devon have decided not to undertake any non-lifesaving operations on smokers or the obese I would like to recommend that all smokers and fat people in Devon immediately stop paying their National Insurance Contribution. That will mean NHS Devon can't treat the skinny non-smokers either, saving them a fortune because they won't have anyone alive in Devon.

Vote for me.

Gary Walker 

Thursday 30 October 2014

One Free Book Poster

Today I have decided to design a free book marketing poster for one lucky independently published author. So if you would like to be that Indie Author let me know why you would like me to design a poster for you in the Comment box below. The best comment wins.
You can view some of the posters I have already designed here

Friday 25 April 2014

Follow These Wonderful Authors

All these wonderful authors have their books featured at Look 4 Books If you love reading and want to keep up with all the latest news from these writers you should follow them on Twitter, so I have compiled a list of their Twitter links. All you have to do is click on the highlighted links and then follow the author of your choice.

Jordan Silver,

Mason N. Forbes,

Taylor Fulks,

Vicki Case,

Madalyn Morgan,

Catherine Taylor,

Jane V. Blanchard,

Lizzie Lamb,

Shani Struthers,

Felicity Brandon,

Anne James,

Anne Allen,

Kayleigh King,

David King,

Adrian L. Youseman,

Fiza Pathan,

Shirley Ford,

Margaret K. Johnson,

H.H. Durrant,

Mary Elizabeth Coen,

June Kearns,

J.P. McLean,

Tina K. Burton,

Shereen Vedam,

T.A. Garcia,

Betsy Reavley,

Stewart Bint,

Mark Pettinger,

Terri Nixon,

Elizabeth Ashworth,

Pauline Barclay,

Allison Bruning,

Jenny Twist,

Nancy Jardine,

Erica Dakin,

T.D. Jones,

Elizabeth Ducie,

D.S. Affleck,

Catriona King,

Marcia Turner,

Gilli Allan,

Gil McDonald,

Jonathan Whitelaw,

Steven J. Smith,

Sarah Jane Butfield,

Terry Tyler,

Sherry Silver,

Ellis Shuman,

C.S. Dixon,

Louisa Toff,

Bette Lee Crosby,

Bill Ward,

Hanifa Danyal,

David Balzarini,

Vanessa Wester,

Devan Sagliani,

J.C. Mells,

Jenna Fox,

Jan Ryder,

Hayley Lugassy,

J.J. Marshall,

Anna Cartman,

Diem Burden,

Bev Spicer,

Gail Machin,

Arlene Valle,

Gillian Jackson,

Robyn Oyeniyi,

W.P. Smith,

Maureen Turner,

Sherrie Lowe,

Kathryn L.M. Reynolds,

David P. Perlmutter,

Pol McShane,

I.V. Phillips,

Jess Sturman-Coombs,

Morgan Nyberg,

M.E. Oren,

V.T. Vaughn,

Laurie Breton,

C.J. Birch,

Jill Edmondson,

Kathryne Arnold,

S.J. Wardell,

Jonathan Hill,

Lucy Magnuson,

Cody F. Fonseca,

Richard Wall,

Elaine R. Chissick,

Nick C. Roberts,

Edward Ian Kendrick,

Richard Johnson,

Adriano Bulla,

I.C. Camilleri,

Massimo Marino,

S.L. Lewis,

Patrick Barrett,

Kelly Miller,

E.B. Sullivan,

Emma Styles,

Mark King,

David Jester,

Phebe Bodelle,

J. Yates,

Shirley Hyde Kenyon,

Nathan Dylan Goodwin,

Paul Hollis,

Will Hane,

Jessie B. Tyson,

Elena M. Reyes,

Sarah Swainson,

Zanna Mackenzie,

Marc Nash,

Anne Kramer,

M.K. Alexander,

Larry Quartley,

Carolyn Mandache,

Jo Bunt,

D.J. Bowman-Smith,

Ranier Keyes,

Jackie McMahon,

N.A. Randall,

Tracy Lane,

Dr. Glen Hepker,

Andrew Lennon,

Ben Hatch,

Eichin Chang-Lim,

Lana Axe,

Karynne Summars,

Eric Cobb Miller,

A.J. Salem,

Sarah LeFleur,

Tim Baker,

Christy Golding,

Josef Stein,

Michael Joseph,

Tom Immins,

Thomas Ferreolus,

Frances Di Plino,

Carol Holland March,

Renee Rose,

The English Sisters,

David Stringer,

Calvin Wade,

Ella Dominguez,

Claudia Y. Burgoa,

Jay Allan Storey,

Carol Hedges,

Katrina Cope,

Michelle W. Miller,

Tony Riches,

Ryan Parmenter,

Russ Brown,

Tracy Falbe,

Amanda Green,

Jonathan Robinson,

Robert Leigh,

Kimberlee Jane,

Shauney Watson,


Michelle Abbott,

Sabrina Devonshire,

Clare Wilson,

Natalie D. Wilson,

Kris Campbells,

Susan Marmo,

Bonnie Bartel Latino,

Graeme Gibson,

Suzy Ayers,

Saturday 19 April 2014

An Angry Michael Moorcock

This is a letter from Michael Moorcock published in the June, 1977, issue of Books and Bookmen.

I might take poor old Duncan Fallowell's criticism of myself and other writers more seriously if there was ever any evidence he had read (or understood) the books he reviews. A few weeks ago I had final confirmation of my suspicions when I came across several of my own books for sale in a local shop a good many weeks before publication and only about a week after they had gone out for review. One of the books still had uncut pages. The person who had sold them to the shop was, it emerged, none other than Duncan Fallowell. If he thinks the writers he mentions lack experience I'm not sure what constitutes experience in Fallowell's terms. One of the writers mentioned experienced the fire-bombing of Dresden; another spent six years of his adolescence in a Japanese prison camp; another pulled himself out of a quite awe-inspiring addiction to 'hard' drugs; another is homosexual and has had years of trauma....But the distinctive mark of the 'New Worlds' writer, if there is one (none of these writers ever see one another more than once a year at the most!) is their use of irony to handle their experience. And irony, of course, is what bewildered old Fallowell can't grasp. He's not alone. And that's the saddest fact of all. Langdon Jones is, I'd agree, a very fine writer (and would be astonished to learn that he's working he's working as a caretaker in Wales) who has written some excellent ironic pieces ('Ludwig van Beethoven II', for instance) but by and large his style is direct, as Peake's is, and doesn't make a great use of irony, in the prose at any rate. But it's silly to go on. Suffice to say that if Fallowell continues to do his work so unconscientiously (never quoting to prove his cases, I note) I'll be happy to provide him not only with a bit of my angst but also to demonstrate the skill I picked up somewhere in my uneventful life of breaking knee-caps with iron bars. I could always, if he'd prefer, horsewhip him with any one of my wide selection of crops. Anyway, I'll do him some sort of violence, on principle, if he ever pretends to review my books again.

Michael Moorcock

Monday 14 April 2014

WORLD Promotional Tour

This is a rough draft of my plan for Look 4 Books world domination in the field of Indie Author promotion.
Firstly it would mean me travelling around the globe meeting the authors featured on the site. As I'm broke, each author would have to put me up in their home for the duration of my stay, and pay for my flight. They would also have to get a loud speaker system attached to their car, then drive me around their local town while I informed their neighbours of how great Look 4 Books was.
The length of my stay with each author will probably depend on where you lived, how nice your house was, and the quality of food on offer etc. If any of my authors live in Hull, England, I might not even bother visiting.

This obviously still needs a bit of thought before making it a definite plan, but in my HUMBLE opinion it seems like the way to go. It will be a lot of hard work on my part, but I honestly think it would be worth it for the sake of all you wonderful authors. Let me know what you think of my plan in the comments box below.


Book Poster Slideshow

A slideshow showing just a few of the hundreds of promotional book posters I have created for the wonderful authors featured at Look 4 Books

Monday 17 February 2014

Book Cover Creation

After spending the last 6 months or so creating Posters for the authors featured at my website Look 4 Books I have decided to offer a book cover design service. If you would like me to create a cover for a new book you are publishing, or just want a more eye catching cover for a book you have already published please don't hesitate to contact me. You can do this either via my Twitter account, or by Email.  My fee for this service is £35.00. Please do not send any payment until you are totally happy with your book cover.
Below are a few examples of my work.

Many thanks

Gary Walker